Saturday, June 28, 2008

On the road again

Of the 400-plus miles I've pedaled this month, the overwhelming majority have been cranked out in the privacy of the garage on the trainer. So today was something of a novelty as I was illuminated by sunshine, buffeted by wind, restrained by road resistance and humbled by hills. In other words, it was a real, normal ride. But enough has changed that I could tell it had been a while since I'd been out. Some roads have been repaved. Tobacco is maturing. The blazes for next Friday's Firecracker Ride are already down. That reminded me to practice signalling in case some group lets me catch a wheel — and to hope I catch a wheel to make some of the more inclined sections more tolerable.


Sherri said...

I didn't quite make 400 in June, I have one more day to include. To date I've 373.50, all outdoors on the road with Mother Nature throwing in the headwinds just to keep it interesting!

Have anything fun on the calendar?

cycledork said...

I was out again today for a 40 miler. Like you, it sounds, no matter what direction I went I had a headwind. Apparently I missed the rain. I'm taking that as good news. Keep in mind there's tomorrow to break 400 for the month.

On Friday I'll be going on the Firecracker Ride, which is always a blast and, for my money, the best local charity ride by a mile. In September I'm going to Colorado for eight days and I'm hoping to get in about 500 miles there. I've got time trials coming July 9, July 30, Aug. 13 and Sept. 10. I may also do a couple of other charity rides.