Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's only hoops on the surface

Cycledork aced the test and missed the point. Which was the point: pay attention only to what's expected and overlook things that are really worth seeing. Watch to the end — trust me, this clip may be manipulative but it's relevant. And the b-ball skills are really impressive. To see the video in its natural state or find out more about its backers, go here. Thanks to our friends at Peripheral Vision for the tip.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that while I am driving I have to watch out for cyclists AND dancing bears? That would make it really hard to talk on my cell phone.

-TS, a man who failed the test and missed the point

cycledork said...

It's not just the talking on the cell phone. It probably also cuts in to nose picking, crotch scratching, book reading and video watching.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, C-Dork, but nothing gets in the way of necessary nasal penetration.