Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cycling census

How many of us are there really? I've wondered this for at least a couple of years as I've watched other cyclists when I'm on the road. But when I'm on a bike or in a car keeping track of how many cyclists I see is usually a dangerous proposition. So I have two questions: 1) what is the best method for counting cyclists and inferring a larger total from that and 2) what's (or is there a) the best way to do that from a bike? My guess on No. 1 would be something akin to the Audobon Society's Christmas Bird Count. It would be nice to know who's out for what end — commuting, training, exercise and so on — and where they ride but I'll take a gross number for starters. And I'm happy to start real small, say for Cary or specific areas of western Wake County. I've done a quick and dirty Google search but didn't find much. Please speak up if you know of other such censuses or if you have a neato mosquito sampling method.


Unknown said...

From a quick glance, though, it seems like the Audobon Society uses its survey to study *trends* in the bird population - not to find the population numbers themselves.

cycledork said...

So this is weasely, but estimated trends would be fine even is numbers would be better. Having some data about how many cyclists are where when is better than just sticking a moist finger in the air and bringing it down with a best guess.

Unknown said...

Sure - right now we're sitting around with our moist finger stuck somewhere entirely less pleasant.

Anonymous said...

There are four cyclists driving down my street as I type these words.

Hope that helps with the count ...

Sherri said...

I can't provide any help with the count. I can tell you there are many cyclists (thousands) in the greater Louisville, KY area.